Message from heaven Elder Ephraim of Arizona
Our blessed Elder Ephraim of Arizona, who also lived ascetically in Arizona, appeared to a woman who at the time happened to be with her daughterinlawappearing to her not as she was asleep but rather as she was wide some point the woman became distant and unaware, and, according to her daughterinlaw who was observing her, this state lasted for about ten minutes (because the woman herself wasnt aware of how long this vision was something unprecedented for this woman (the content of the conversion, that is, as this woman had previousely seen Elder Ephraim after his repose, both while she was awake and asleep) She was very shaken so she, as expected, called her spiritual father to ask if what she saw was a delusion or she saw was Elder Ephraim who was very sad and trying to dissuade Christ concerning the current events (of course, these things go with what Elder Ephraim was saying while still in this he said to her, Repentance, repentance, repentance Christ is