Franco Corelli Mirella Freni Nuit dhyménée LIVE 1968 Atlanta Roméo et Juliette For Etelka
This video is dedicated to Etelka Naccari Dear Etelka, thank you for your support in keeping Franco s memory alive Dear viewer, you can help, too: Donations help the channel to create more videos, to research and present as much information and material as possible about Franco Corelli, his life and his art. Charles Gounod: Roméo et Juliette May 11, 1968 Atlanta (Met) Nuit d hyménée Roméo and Juliette s Act 4 duet sang in French, with libretto on screen + Italian and English subtitles available. ℹ Unfortunately, relatively few pictures of this opera are available, so in some photos Jeannette Pilou and Gianna D Angelo appear as Juliette instead of Mirella Freni. Roméo Franco Corelli Juliette Mirella Freni conductor: Francesco MolinariPradelli br, br,