USSR Trans Siberian 1970s
Another film I picked up on Ebay. I am guessing at the time period to be the early to mid70 s. The trip is headed westbound. I recognized Novosibirsk, Irkutsk and Lake Baikal. There appear to be several active steam engines in the film, as well as numerous strategic reserve sites where mothballed steam was held in case of national emergency, wartime. I picked out numerous different classes of 2100 s as well as an Su class 262 and some P36 Northerns at the end. Power for the train is electric in the first part, then an M62 once the train got beyond the electrified zone. Rather than edit each scene and add sound, this time I simply presented the film as scanned with some Soviet themed music from the Hunt for Red October soundtrack. If you don t like the music, simply turn your volume down and watch it in silence. Please don t make snarky comments about my taste in music, they re not appreciated.