Eat You Alive, Warrior Cats OC AMV, PMV
Little kit s conflicts along with big life difficulties. Lore: Birdkit is very ambitious for her future: she wants to become a great, respected warrior of Shadowclan. Her friend Froggykit, however, is afraid that her friend s ambitions might get in the way of their friendship, and warns her about it. Later, Birdkit goes blind after gaining a head trauma when falling off the Clanpile. Desperate, she estrangers herself from Froggypaw, who got her apprentice rank. Even after Birdkit got an apprentice rank herself, she still haven t make up with Froggypaw and her mentor Rainsting noticed that. Rainsting gives Birdpaw an advice, telling a story of how she lost the ones she loved the same way Birdpaw did. After that, realizing she was wrong, Birdpaw asks Froggypaw for forgiveness. i speedran this just to spoil July. I m very. Very excited for July I can t even My socials: Insta Dev br, br,