Splat the Cat Makes Dad Glad, 1
Splat the Cat Makes Dad Glad (I Can Read Book) Written By: Rob Scotton Cover Art By: Rick Farley Text By: Alissa Heyman Interior Illustrations By: Robert Eberz Narrated and Costumes By: Nana (Brenda Lovett) Nana s Story Time with Brenda Lovett Splat the Cat finds out his Dad is sad because he read his soccer team lost their game. So Splat decided to do something to make his Dad glad. After reading about his Grandfather and his Dad winning the threelegged race, when his Dad was young. Gave Splat the idea to enter them both into a threelegged race to win and cheer up his Dad. He has his lucky shoestring, will it be able to help them when the race They have two other competitions before the three legged race, and the competition is getting fierce. Spike and his Mom are out for the win Come to the race and let s see who comes out the winner