Speedpaint Beatrice Reference Sheet ( Hyan Timelapse, 392)
Hyanshading fullbody + Design + Reference Sheet for Dinyin How much fluff you want the tail to be Yes Yehehehe, there s never enough fluffness right right Gah she is so elegant that I felt ashamed on being on pajamas while drawing XD And you thought the strawberry sisters were going to be only cute Hah, fool you, strawberries can be high class too That dress opening is making me blush hnnnng so good u wu)b Timelapse: 12x speed Original time: 13h 35min (6 days) Finished drawing: Character belongs to DinyindeviantART :゚ Hyanna Natsu (ノヮ)ノ:゚ ZeviantART: Twitter: Instagram: RedBubble: Picarto: Tumblr: F