Suns Of Arqa All Is Not Lost, All Is Dub : The Remixes ( Tryptology Mixtape) Psydub, Dub, Ethnic
Even if I focus on philosophico spiritual writings at this moment (youtube channel community section + website others), I don t forget music and of course dub, ethnic. Enjoy :) Support the artist on Bandcamp : Suns of Arqa networks : Website : Bandcamp : Facebook : Youtube : Instagram : Twitter (X) : Liquid Sound Design Records networks : Soundcloud : Bandcamp : Youtube : Facebook : Twitter : Instagram : Tracklist and timecode : 1. Suns Of Arqa The Fool Ascends In Dub Remix) 00:00 2. Suns Of Arqa Mother Tongue (Total Eclipse Remix) 05:15 3. Suns Of Arqa Erasmus Dub (Kukan Dub Lagan Remix) 15:05 4. Suns Of Arqa Sadrayama (Saafi Brothers Remix) 16:36 5. Suns Of Arqa Pablo s Lament (Youth Dub Mix) 22:31 6. Suns Of Arqa Discordant Dawn (Kuba Remix) 29:25 7. Suns Of Arqa The Truth Lies Therein (Eat Static Remix) 34:10 , Tryptology, HighVibes, EthnicWorld, Psydub, dub, ethnicmusic, worldmusic, psychedelic, psychedelia