Rotting Christ Performing their early days songs
This Video shooted on the 6th of July 2020 at Artworks Studios for the needs of Metal Mexico Festival ( ) Live Streaming on July 19th 2020 Official band s booking agency for Latin America: Talent Nation Mixed Mastered by Callmelazy (aka Costas Gavakos) at Soundflakes Studio Directed by:Yiannis MargetousakisThanos Liberopoulos Edited by: Yiannis MargetousakisThanos LiberopoulosManolis Rizikos Cameras: Thanos Liberopoulos Yiannis MargetousakisPanos Iliopoulos SETLIST 1THE SIGN OF EVIL EXISTENCE00:00 2TRANSFORM ALL SUFFERING INTO PLAGUES2:21 3THE FIFTH ILLUSION6:31 4NON SERVIAM10:36 5FGMENTH THY GIFT15:06 6EXILED ARCHANGELS19:13 7KING OF A STELLAR WAR23:40 8ARCHON29:33 9ACH GOLGOTHA33:40 10FEAST OF THE GRANT WHORE34:58 11THE NEREID OF ESGALDUIN38:30 12THE FOREST OF N GAI42:08 13VISIONS OF THE DEAD LO