Spicy Georgian Beef Stew Chashushuli, Ostri. Recipe by Always Yummy 11
Tasted once Georgian chashushuli(ostri) one wont forget the taste of this piquant dish. It would seem what can be easier than a stewed veal with tomato, onion and pepper. Still the taste of chashushuli is very especial. Ingredients: veal (neck) 2, 2, 1 kg bulb onion 2, 2, 1 kg tomato 2, 2, 1 kg sweet pepper 200 g 1 chili pepper 1 oz, garlic 20 g cilantro 2, 5 oz, 70 g parsley 1 oz, 30 g utscho suneli 1 tsp khmeli suneli 1, 5 tsp salt to taste ajika 2 tsp butter 2 oz, 50 g vegetable oil 3 tbsp tomato paste 2 tbsp You will need: carving board saucepan or stockpot Preparation: 1. Cut the veal into not big pieces, onion into strips, dice finely the garlic and pepper, chop the cilantro and parsley, peel the tomatoes and chop up. 2. Heat the vegetable oil in the saucepan and fry the meat over medium heat for 5 minutes each side. 3. Add the onion, bu