Well Digger Trapped 26 Hours: Dies (1950)
Full title reads: New York. WellDigger Trapped 26 Hours: Dies. New York, United States of America (USA). MS Looking down well, showing Dominick Atteo, with upturned face at the bottom. (1st. 7ft. for super. title). MS Exterior of the Brooklyn garage, where he was digging a well, when the cavein occurred. LS Looking down well showing Atteo with face covered with cloth. CU His wife, crying, stands at rim of well watching rescue operations. MS Rescue workers digging. MS Rescue workers and crane. LS of the scene. MS Rescue work in progress. CU Priest donning robes before being lowered to the trapped man. MS Onlookers. MS Another priest being lowered. MS Wife and rescue workers at top of well listening to priest encouraging Atteo. MS Looking down well. MS People peering over well. MS Looking down well. CU People peering over rim of well. CU Atteo s wife peering over rim. MS Rescue workers among struts. MS Doctor being lowered into well. CU Atteo s wife watching. MS The doctor in the well. MS of the sce