華音 Booo 踊ってみた Niconico Video sm38505618
I m really angry if I can eat the pudding I was looking forward to Hello, this is Hanane (ˆoˆ) LOL This time, I danced the very cute choreography Booo I longed for Pentachan, the head family, and tried to wear a uniform. .. Yes, I m sorry I m sorry lol I thought that such a cute choreography was tough for me, but I want to be on the ranking video someday. .. I think, so I took the plunge this time and took on the challenge I hope many people will see it I m always looking forward to comments such as impressions Music head family (sm34067662) Choreographer (sm34090226) Dance, shooting, editing Hanane 温かい目で見ていただけたら幸いです() 華音のTwitter(あんま動いてないけど見てるよ) 動画いいなって思っていただけたらぜひフォローやコメントお願いします(o), 華音 03, 29, 2021 14:00 Views 1, 231