Cinetopicalities In Brief No. 35 (1938)
Titles read: CINETOPICALITIES IN BRIEF. Various locations of events. In Italy ( ) we see tiny radios fitted inside a walnut and a pine kernel. At a pub in Broadstairs, Kent, we see men using a periscope to see who is in the other part of the bar. We then see the latest decorative ideas for shapely legs stockings with moon and star shapes and belisha beacons painted on them. Another idea shows a picture of a bulldog tied onto each leg with a ribbon very bizarre A workman digging in a ditch in the road looks up and scratches his head, supposedly watching the decorated legs go by. (Location of events unknown probably London. ) Next we see women modelling an assortment of bizarre hats; the first is a cabbage leaf tied on a lady s head with a ribbon it looks like a real leaf Then a pixiestyle hat, with several horse brasses attached to it weird. The best one is a hat shaped like a dart board, with darts stuck in it. The last is a Peace Hat a simple black hat with two (fake)