RED FOX Studio Unboxing by AMMO, RED FOX Studio primeras impresiones by AMMO
Red Fox Studio and AMMO are happy to present a new 3D printed and painted instrument panels for scale model aircraft in a variety of scales. Today at AMMO, we want to show you an unboxing of a couple of examples by Javier Lopez de Anca, Editor in Chief of The Weathering Aircraft Magazine, so you can understand the key features of this exciting new range We hope you enjoy this video, and that it inspires you in your next aircraft build. Stay tuned for our next video about the Red Fox Studio range, in which we will show you a full step by step of their application. Red Fox Studio y AMMO se complacen en presentar una nueva gama de paneles de instrumentos pintados e impresos en 3D, para tus maquetas de aviones y en una gran variedad de escalas. Hoy te presentamos un completo video sobre las primeras impresiones de Javier Lopez de Anca, Editor Jefe de la revista The Weathering Aircraft, sobre este novedoso producto,