, Masterworks The only investment platform dedicated to art investing Invest in bluechip art for the very first time. Purchase shares in great masterpieces from artists like Picasso, Warhol, and more Follow me On Twitter The collapse of The United States. It s a surprisingly popular topic these days, and when you look around society you begin to see why. Subreddit s like r, collpase have close to 400k members, Prepping YouTuber s have gathered massive audiences, and countless prominent figures have hinted at a potentially unstable future for the west. In today s video, we examine this taboo topic from an unbiased lens looking at the situation from a different angle. It s a video that was largely inspired by a post on the fat fire subreddit labeled. Protecting against the tail risk of US political instability. FATFIRE after all is a forum dedicated to multimillionaires, and this