Fall In Love
Join our next Studio Live Session Subscribe News(Letter) Some of LBB Studio Live Session on VINYL in our LBB Store Stay tuned become our social fan: , , TORTURED SOUL FALL IN LOVE, , JohnChristian Urich: vocals drums Ernest McKone: bass Isamu MacGregor: keyboard Adam Rafferty: guitar RECORDING, MIX MASTERING: Little Konzett, Analog signal path: SSL 4000 G+ console and Studer A820 tape machines, LITTLE BIG BEAT STUDIOS offer highend recording, mixing and mastering plus filming and marketing services to Artists, Labels and brands of all sizes, contact: Produced by Little Konzett at LITTLE BIG BEAT STUDIOS 2020 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED , , Studio Live Session was made with generous Help Support of: OMICRON electronics GmbH, NEUTRIK AG, Sennheiser (Schweiz) AG, Neumann, Schertler Acoustics, Angelbird Technologies GmbH, KLOTZ AIS, Liechtensteiner Brauhaus AG, kulinarium Mauren, , , torturedsoul, littlebigbeatstudios, studiolivesession