Longest daily cat story : from Young Lady birth until she have grand grandchild, Pecie Mecie Cats Lover
Longest daily cats story : from birth of Young Lady, until she have grand grand child. Today cats are1512 days old, and 3 Generation of Young Lady children are1032 884 758 and Young lady grandchild are 342, 21 207 404, 262, 88 and grand grandchild are 29 days old. The story of this Channel is about a female cats, her name is Young Lady. i am making a video every day for the You Tube, from the day she born until she have grand grandchild. she born in Christmas day 4 years ago. she have a lot of child and grandchild and grand grandchild . now, the Young Lady Number 2 is born, i am caring more than 4 years of a lot cats, and pay too much money for they food and others, i am a retied man and this is not easy for me. I want share some SHORTS videos about all my cats, babies cats, golfer, golf course, monkeys. if you want see the new videos about the my cats or monkeys, pls be Subscribed in my channel . ,PecieMecieCatsLover, PecieMecieYoungLady, PecieM