The EVIL Female Guards Of Auschwitz
There were thousands of evil women that worked as guards inside of the concentration camps. Many of them including Irma Grese, Maria Mandel and Elisabeth Volkenrath were executed at the end of the Second World War for their crimes. But many of those women who were condemned at the end of the conflict had worked inside of Auschwitz, the largest concentration camp in which over 1 million people were killed inside of. Over 1. 3 million people were transported to Auschwitz, and most of the women who were sent there were taken to their deaths as soon as they arrived. Many female SS guards of Aufsehrein became notorious for their evil and their barbaric treatment. They carried out executions in public of women and men who had infringed the camps rules, and they also would indiscriminately murder with their bare hands. They were known as sadists, and they were in charge of the womens camp of Auschwitz. The conditions here were known to be horrific, and inside the camp the women guards of Auschwitz were infamou