Осоговка, Osogovka : Osogovo ( East Vardar) Region Traditional Mens Dance
Osogovka, Осоговка The Osogovo folk dance (Osogovka), and its costumes, geografically originate from the villages of Mount Osogovo, East Vardar Region. Osogovka is a male dance exclusively, and what is peculiar about it is that at one momnet one of the dancers raises the other dancer higher than the level of his shoulders, which requires certain skill and strength. The aim of such folk dances was to show the strength of the dancers, as well as their sense of rhytm, because it is relatively fast, and the steps are energetic. Осоговка традиционална народна игра од Осоговието, Кочанско, источна вардарска област. Performed by Folklore Ensemble Tanec Skopje. Во изведба на фолклорниот ансамбл Танец Скопје Musical Instruments: gaida (bagpipes), tapan (drum), kaval, Осоговски носии, Osogovski nosii, Osogovo Traditional Costumes