Deadline Cult of Prometheus OFFICIAL MUSIC VIDEO
Vocalist Jessy Switchblade shares that This song is based on the story of Prometheus, who stole the fire from the Gods and gifted it to mankind. Its about the free thinkers, those who spread hope, those with forethought, those who question everything and take action against what theyre told and what theyre forced to believe. This song is dedicated to them, to us, to the tragic hero roaming planet earth. Prometheus was the ultimate antihero, both a trickster and a hero, an advocate for humanity, a purveyor of rebellion. This song is dedicated to the trickster in every one of us, who will break or bend rules to be different, to rise above, to create beautiful controlled rebellion. Jessy elaborates that As far as the cover is concerned, we decided to do a tribute to old school power metal covers. This one is largely inspired by Manowar and Primal Fear. We tied it up to the story of Lady Blitzkrieg and Deadline, after Abigails Crypt, Deadline have captured her and tied her to the church steepl