Ilse Gudiño Edge of Seventeen Instrumental Version
LISTEN: EDGE OF SEVENTEEN INSTRUMENTAL single out now: LISTEN: EDGE OF SEVENTEEN VOCAL VERSION single out now: Ilse Gudiño Guitars, Arrangement, Mix. Maru Martinez Production, Mix, Master. Anup Sastry Drums. Josué Moran Bass. Juan Lechuga Video. Vanessa Martinez Video. Rob Hakemo Art Cover. Ilse Gudiño, Rock and Metal guitarist from Mexico City. New Single Arrangement of Edge of Seventeen. Music Video Recorded and Produced by Ilse Gudiño, Josué Morán, Juan Lechuga and Vanessa Martinez. Follow me everywhere: StrandbergguitarsOfficial NeuralDSP ilsegudiño, stranbergguitars, neuraldsp, guitar, guitarist, edgeofseventeen, drums, goheadl