Stone Temple Pilots ( The Spectrum) Philadelphia, Pa ( Complete Show)
01. Pop s Love Suicide 02. Crackerman 03. Meatplow 04. Tumble in the Rough 05. Vasoline 06. Still Remains 07. Silvergun Superman 08. Wicked Garden 09. Daisy (Instrumental) 10. Dancing Days (Zeppelin Cover) 11. Creep 12. Pretty Penny 13. And So I Know 14. Seven Caged Tigers 15. Trippin on a Hole in a Paper Heart 16. Plush (Lunch Meat) 17. Piece of Pie 18. Big Empty 19. Interstate Love Song 20. Lounge Fly 21. Lady Picture Show 22. Unglued 23. Big Bang Baby 24. Dead Bloated 25. Sex Type Thing