BillyNou shop on To buy some gorgeous natural dyes and tannin products from a long standing family run business: HOW TO MAKE SOY MILK AT HOME AND HOW DO YOU MORDANT FABRIC, NATURAL NUTRITION What is mordant in dyeing How do you mordant fabric what can be used as a mordant Is soy milk a mordant how do they make soy milk how long does homemade soy milk last how do you make soy milk A short video on how to make soy milk for the purposes of natural dyeing. BillyNou is about the wonderful process of natural dyeing I do for my brand, life, motherhood and the trails and errors of making and crafting. Id like to inspire others to become more conscientious, to find a connection with nature and benefit from this immense and totally accessible energy. FOLLOW US: billynou FACEBOOK: billynouapparel WEBSITE: