Oil Painting Tutorial Ocean Sunset ( Beginner)
The first 1000 people to use the link will get a free trial of Skillshare Premium Membership: Oil Painting tutorial of a sparkling ocean sunset for beginner painters In this oil painting tutorial, I wanted to show how to paint a simple and cute ocean sunset scene. I got so many requests for a beginner painting tutorial using oil paints for a specific painting I made with acrylic paint last year and I finally made it happen Oil painting is a medium that can be really tricky for beginners. I remember really struggling when I first started painting with oils. Moving from Acrylic painting to oil painting is a big jump, because they work so differently. So as you are working on this painting, especially if you are a beginner oil painter, please be patient with yourself and let me know any questions you might have in the comments bellow. Learning how to paint should be an enjoyable experience, so go easy on yourself and let go of the pressure to make a mast br, br,