Nintendo Wii Theme ft. 33 Musicians
I asked Internet Musician friends to do a Funky Jam Session over the Nintendo Wii Mii Channel Theme. We called it the, MiiChannelJam and features legends such as FamilyJules, Insaneintherain, Little V, Lana Raine, Tee Lopes, RichaadEB more Most of these entries were made separately and were based on the theme, bassline drums alone. When I put them together tho, it felt like it was all recorded in the same room at the same time instead, like a true Jam Session Speaking of which, there s many parts or jams that didn t make the cut for this video, but were still amazing. I invite you to check them all out here: EVERYONE INVOLVED VIOLINS: Jeff Ball GUITARS: FamilyJules LittleVMills Ro Panuganti Atelier Joshua Husky by the Geek RichaadEB JoshVasquezGuitar