Lithuania in 4 Minutes
2 months of on and off filming, 2 drone crashes and about 20 hours of editing went into the making of this new film about my home country of Lithuania . I love watching movies, and one day I hope to direct one, so this video reflects a bit of that dramatic cinema style mixed with my own. Not your typical travel video, I know. It was an amazing summer in Lithuania and I hope to return soon. I was 12 when I moved to the United States from Lithuania. I have spent the last 17 years of my life here. It was a struggle to adapt to the culture, to find new friends, and to be able to call this place home. However, being quite young I was able to adopt my new environment pretty quickly. Eventually, without having revisited my homeland for well over a decade, I didn t think too much about it. However, like an anxious tick, something was making me uneasy. The more years went by, I felt like something was missing in my life. I dreamed of moving somewhere with beautiful nature, castles, but with modern city life. It see