Geneva calls for the release of Julian Assange
You can sign the Geneva call for the release of Julian Assange here: Video footage: Jeff V. Audio recording: Flo Ma. With the participation of: Nils Melzer, UN Special Rapporteur on Torture Stella Morris, Julian Assanges fiancée Christophe Deloitre, Secretary general, Reporters Without Borders World Jean Rossiaud, Former Geneva parliamentarian, initiator of the Swiss visa idea for Assange Davide Dormino, Sculpteur (AnythingToSay ) Sarah Ducret, Association des usagers des Bains des Pâquis Frédérique Perler, Mayor of Geneva (from June 1st) Yves Daccord, Former Director General of the ICRC (2010 2020), former journalist Carlo Sommaruga, State Councillor, Swiss Parliament Antoine Vey, Julian Assanges attorney Blaise Lempen, President of Press Emblem Campaign Joseph Farrell, WikiLeaks ambassador to the UK Moderator Pierre Rueschi, Executive Director of the Geneva Press Club In the name of the humanitarian values rooted in Geneva, City of Peace and Human Right