Dominus Vobiscum Anne Liis Treimann The Chamber Choir Eesti Projekt
Dominus Vobiscum sung by Russian Orthodox Choir The Lord be with you The Lord is with us, He is among us, He is in the depths of our hearts, Amen, Amen, Alleluia. Since the beginning of time We have been searching, seeking, asking: When will the light come, at last, to deliver us The light of peace, The light of truth, The light of joy, The light of hope, The light of love, The light of life. Today, let us all sing: Dominus vobiscum The Lord is with us, He is among us, He is in the depths of our hearts, Amen, Amen, Alleluia. Search, seek, ask: He is among us; Search, seek, ask: He is in the depths of our hearts. Amen, Amen, Alleluia.