Sightseeing in Dubai, Burj Khalifa, Abra, Jumeirah Beach, Madinat Park, Metro HD
Sightseeing trip in Dubai filmed from February 25 to 29, 2012 by Lilly Kuleshova and Dirk Wagner (CEO of We start showing the sun filled streets of Dubai with airconditioned bus stations to shield from the 45 degrees of heat during the summer. Next we show social houses for the poor (ironically meant). At the Dubai Creek we take a boat trip with the Abra (Arabic name for boats). Show the historic old town of Dubai. Spectacular is Dubai s fully automated and driver less metro system; very clean; very safe. Jumeirah beach is even warmer and sandier than the great beaches of California. Also, having the Burj Al Arab and Burj Khalifa in the skyline makes even Southern Californian beaches pale. The Madinat Park is a beautiful rendering of homes in historic Arabic Style with windtowers. We go shopping at the world s largest mall the Dubai mall. After having bought Gold and a HTC Wildfire for 169 we are stunned by the Dubai Fountain show (Ain t no Mountain High Enough). The climax