Fly Tying a CDC Spent wing midge with Barry Ord Clarke
Tying thread, 0ne CDC hackle and a pinch of dubbing, makes one of the most essential patterns in my fly box A quick and easy CDC spent wing midge that can be fished just about all year round. Visit my site Buy my BOOK The feather Benders Fly Tying Techniques Buy MUSTAD signature hooks: Buy VENIARD product on AMAZON: TRIDENT fly fishing shop over 27, 000 SKUs in stock: Buy SIMMS fishing products: Very useful thing when fishing EPIC water filters: Premier Fly Shop Outfitter TROUTS fly fishing: Buy POLARIZED fishing sunglasses RHEOS 55: TheRiversEdge fly fishing shop Bozeman Montana: Buy STANLEY products. Free Shipping on all orders Buy BEST fly tying VISE: Best HUNTING GEAR on the planet: https:,