Quantum Mechanics Isn t Weird, We re Just Too Big, Qiskit Seminar Series with Phillip Ball
Speaker: Phillip Ball Host: Zlatko Minev, Title: Quantum mechanics isnt weird, were just too big Abstract: Quantum computers rely on concepts such as superposition and entanglement that defy our intuitions about how things can behave. Its often said that the world is quantummechanical and weird at small scales, and classical and familiar at human scales. I will challenge that idea, arguing that the classical world isnt distinct from the quantum but emerges from it. While we dont yet have a full understanding of how that happens, the outlines are becoming clear and in one view, the concept of quantum information lies at the heart of that account. In this talk which is nottechnical and requires no specialist scientific knowledge I will show address some popular misconceptions about what quantum mechanics means, and explain what we can currently say about what it does mean.