Warp Ambience Void Drift Warhammer 40 K
It is a wild thing that tolerates our presence, but brooks no Warmaster Horus about the Warp (Horus Rising (Novel), Part One, Chapter 10) If you stare into the abyss, the abyss stares back at you. This is even more so true when drifting through the Immaterium, where dark energies reside that are beyond human comprehension. Sometimes, not even the third eye of the Navigators can see the Emperors beacon through the thick veil. So might as well just close your eyes and lean back as you traverse the endless void. Best with headphones (as always really) Donations: If you really enjoy the content and want to support the development in the future, consider donating whatever amount you see fit here: Picture credits: unknown cmcougar (Deviantart) Warhammer 40K Fandom Wiki The intro is from the game Dawn of War 2 by Relic En