Finish Your Art with Filters
, ClipStudioTips2024, Finishingfilters Back with a shorter video, this time on how to finish your drawings with filters and post production effects This is also posted as a Tips article here: 00:00 Intro 00:31 Drawing demo 00:57 Overlay layers 01:45 Gaussian blur 02:40 Perlin noise 03:14 Color adjustment 04:15 Blur sharpen 04:50 Auto actions 05:40 Finish Auto actions used: Oyun Blur Filter: Raiku RGB Shift: CREDITS Art, SFX editing by Oyun Orka Music by jhonwanderjose, commissioned for commercial use for Oyun Orka SOCIALS X (Twitter): Twitch: DISCLAIMER: All art tips given in the videos are SUGGESTIONS, and you can draw however you d like I am also not a perfect artist and have many areas to improve in as well. The things I cover in videos are just my own approaches which I share in hopes that they may help others. If they do help, great But if you feel like the tips are wrong or don t apply to your style, draw as you d like It s your art