The U. S. Politicians Selling Out to Foreign Dictators with Casey Michel 277
Get 5 off your next order through my link or use code FACTUALLY at checkout, or look for Magic Spoon on Amazon and in your nearest grocery store Get 20 off DeleteMe US consumer plans when you go to and use promo code ADAM at checkout. DeleteMe International Plans: Politicians are meant to serve the people, but lets be realsometimes they just end up serving whoevers got the deepest pockets, even if those pockets are overseas. Believe it or not, foreign powers have been messing with our political system for years through entirely legal means: good oldfashioned lobbying. This week, Adam sits with Casey Michel, author of Foreign Agents: How American Lobbyists and Lawmakers Threaten Democracy Around the World, to dive into how our politicians are getting sold off to the highest bidderand what that means for all of us. Find Casey s book at SUPPO