black drone ambient (ash03 witches killing witches)
of the tattered vestmentsgaze into the the abyss gazes into youbjm 00:00 the red tidal wave 04:24 drone collectivebinary 14:21 shadow integrationfull version 21:17 chaosab origenes 28:17 serpentecrypt of times 37:17 omegaconcentrationdronepiece 38:49 of swords reversedextended 43:00 52:03 somniaarchives 55:49 1:01:01 chaoseleusi 1:06:56 1:16:28 the epoch fadesbjm 1:19:21 1:24:29 messengerthe serpents throatbjm 1:30:02 somniacult dnabjm 1:34:15 the fear settles totembjm 1:38:46 of the dagger 1:44:31 of the world 1:52:02 all alterationsbad jonnie mixbad jonn