A Classroom Film The Engine Driver (1947)
Title reads: British Instructional Films Ltd presents a Classroom Film The Engine Driver. Street scene with an Engine Driver kissing his wife and children goodbye on the doorstep as he leaves for work. He arrives at the train station. Good shots of a steam train. C, U of paper with instructions to the Engine Driver for the London to Manchester run. Top shot of driver climbing into the engine. The train is prepared for its trip oil, water, stoking the furnace etc. Driver climbs aboard the foot plate. C, U of instruments in the driver s cabin. C, U of the whistle blowing. Train sets off. Unusual shot taken from by the train wheels as it goes along. Also a shot from underneath the train as is driven along. Top shots of the train (carrying coal). Train going through a tunnel. Engine driver looking out from the foot plate. Train meeting buffers with another train. Shot of passengers on the station platform. Station clock. Signals. Man (Station Master ) on platform signalling that the