Michael Crusader( For Helga For Silvia For nords deutsch people Person idea )
My sincere person vision on future folksong For my dear magiklightsincere in big tolerant, and in heroisme for my dear norddeutsch europe Whats in dear Norwaygirlswomensmothersfathersbrothers go with big love in one big in sincere big company on nature In end big dear legendary concerts too In big and in littlenationalichollidays too My idea, for big, whats in one sincere in big company And give god etc And me, with my sincere, very has hard childhood, very need in one norddeutsch big company, in face babybearwho, very need understand and very like norddeutsch people My idea, for young Helga, Silvia etc in norddeutsch names, who in danger, who give god hear sincere frazes god, not in crazyfull understanding In understanding Not one Not surrender My idea, for sincere help and for respect, fo