Winter Time by Robert Louis Stevenson, Christmas at the J. W. Jupiter
A reading of Robert Louis Stevenson s lovely poem WinterTime (poem text below). Much like Melville of Moby Dick fame, Stevenson s wonderful poetry is often overshadowed by the popularity of his prose works (Treasure Island, Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, The poem can be described as an idyll a depiction of picturesque, rustic life close with nature and it is simply and beautifully just that. It makes me think of the many longpast, coldyetsunny Christmas days that I spent with many cousins in tag and play. Thanks for stopping by If you enjoyed WinterTime, please like, share, and subscribe, and let me know in the comments what is interesting about it to you, or what I should read next Image Credits: Winter Landscape, Effect of Snow Paul Gauguin Winter Landscape with Ice Skaters and a Bird Trap Pieter Brueghel the Elder WinterTime Late lies the wintry sun abed, A frosty, fiery sleepy