Little Big Waves: Hip Switches, Part 1
LittleBig Waves is a reflection on years of dance training. LittleBig waves try to demonstrate how a technique emerges like a small wave which gradually grows and then disappears again, not anymore separated from the ocean. I pause and try to understand what it is that I am doing. As time goes by I know that reflection is just as important as constant learning. Without a moment of asking the right questions about my process I will not gain anything from accumulating experiences and integration will not happen within my art. Without reflection I will be taught by my experiences but actually not learn from them. And while reflecting on my dance training questions about technique keep on rising. And what is technique anyways Dancers, Martial Artists. Circus Artists and Acrobats sometimes refer to technique as something rigid, shiny and external. This leads to the idea that Technique and Expression are two completely different things which can be connected only through effort. Exp