Creationists First Time on the Internet
You d think they d learn, but you d be wrong. Some people are having an audio compatibility issue that makes Bubba (the character on the right) silent. Most people don t have the issue, so I m just going to leave the video online. I checked it on 3 different computers and it worked. It didn t work on my phone though. It s a mono speaker issue. Try stereo. Plug in some headphones or something. Sorry for the inconvenience. These are just characters. CHARACTERS. Don t take them too seriously. It s overthetop for a reason. If you don t understand why some people find this funny (as I did when I made it), then you probably haven t been in as many debates with Creationists as we have. I admit, it takes certain experiences to find this funny. I ve been a longtime subscriber of CultOfDusty. Check him out: A good friend of mine, MeridianFrost, also gave me a few lines at the end. He is a br, br,