Dine with all five orcas January 18, 2021 Sea World Orlando
DO NOT USE MY VIDEOS YOU WILL BE REPORTED dedicated to a special friend Emily Kozak since you love to ask if they get to see the other orcas, well heres something for enjoy its a breath of fresh air, together again lol they are able to interact without a gate separating them, just cause theyre male or female and not allowed to have any more babies, they are open again to be able to interact with each this was a quick session they started at ended about 10 mins after, other than that its great to see them all together. Host Trainer Kelly so funny when they females were on the slide out, they blew the whistle, and Katina said get out of my way i gotta go around lol i was kinda shaky while they were at the slideout as i had my phone with me taking pictures for my friends as they kept on asking me for a pic, and it was a great nalani got pushed by mom as well as were with trainers Joe, Amy and Morgan was with Malia the whole day, so im