Complete Guide To Melee Combat On Foot Bannerlord
Welcome to the complete melee guide for combat on foot for Mount Blade 2 Bannerlord This guide will cover ALL topics regarding fighting with melee weapons on foot. I have separated the guide into two parts: Beginner and Advanced. All sections include details on how I personally trained each skill when I was a newbie By the end of the beginner s section you should have an understanding of how all the basic mechanics work in Bannerlord and be able to win 90 of melee combat engagements. If you can master blocking, you WILL dominate your game. If you want that extra 10 Chad skill set, then the advanced section is for you. From stun combos to chamber blocking, you will learn all of the coolest moves that will make you the John Wick of Calradia 0:00 Intro 0:15 Beginner Shield Blocking 0:47 Beginner Weapon Blocking 1:33 Beginner Dodging Melee Attacks 1:53 Beginner Dodging Projectiles 2:12 Beginner Offense 2:22 Beginner Attack Sp