Creeper aw man but its a metal song ( Revenge Minecraft Parody) Cover by Lollia feat. Little V
, CREEPERAWMAN, REVENGE, MINECRAFTPARODY Before you ask, because I can. Shout out to Little V. for the amazing screams on this cover Please go subscribe to him you won t regret it Also thank you annapantsu for letting me borrow her discord subtitle idea. Now available in stores Spotify iTunes, Apple Music Google Play Vocals by me and Little V. Arrange and mix by Sleeping Forest Discord subtitles by my beautiful roses and friends. Original Parody by TryHardNinja, CaptainSparklez and Doc Exx Music This song is Minecraft parody of Usher s DJ Got Us Fallin In Love. Parody Lyrics (I made some slight adjustments to make the song more fitting for this cover): Creeper Aw