HARDCORE TRAINING Why Nick Walker is HUGE ,, Dave Palumbo, Jimmy Mentis, Jimmy The Bull
Dave Palumbo is joined by Jimmy Mentis, and later on by Jimmy The Bull, for an allnew episode of the Dave Palumbo Podcast. On today s episode Jimmy (Mentis) talks about his plans to compete at the Masters Olympia in Tokyo, Japan which led to a conversation about hardcore training. Jimmy (The Bull) shares a story about putting on a strength show in Japan during his powerbodybuilding days. SHOP SPECIES NUTRITION: IRONMAG LABS NUTRITION Hardcore Bodybuilding Supplements 20 Off Coupon Code: RXMUSCLE20 Shop Subscribe to the RXMuscle YouTube channel Never miss an RX TV show, segment, or update. Sign up to become an member (free Follow RXMuscle on Instagram: Follow RXMuscle on Facebook: