The Rise and Fall of the First Map in Apex
Apex shook the world of gaming upon it s release. This is the story of the map that Apex Legends stands upon. Welcome to Kings Canyon A HUGE thank you to Jason McCord, who sat down with me to talk about Kings Canyon and Apex s early development. You can find him and support the new studio he works for, Wildlight Entertainment, here: x. com, MonsterclipJM CREDITS Map Footage recorded with the assistance of Risen Rose x. com, risenrosegg RECORDING ASSISTANT: ghostdog111dd ACTORS: ghostdog111dd PizzaTime561 MOTL rBlaze LEJIT Mystic Titan RevenantMain1 Thumbnail Title creation made with the assistance of JumbaGW MOOREOVER Timestamps 0:00 Intro 1:27 Title 2:16 Before Apex Legends 5:23 The Beginning 20:09 Ad Break 20:38 A Record Breaking Choice 22:58 The Evolution 30:14 The Faults of Kings Canyon 33:51 The End 36:19 What is a Legacy 38:28 Credits