Xevengars GTA 3 New interiors and locations ( Portland)
Hello everyone, over the last couple of days I have been experimenting with gta 3 modding and made all of these for fun and mainly for myself. I never really had any intentions of releasing this, but since I got a couple of interiors done I figured some of you guys might appreciate this. The installation is really simple since it uses mod loader, the only thing I recommend is to use the xbox version hd mod for more compatibility and less bugs. Apart from modloader there is just a single optional ipl file that can be copy pasted in order to remove bushes from 8 ball s house itnerior This mod uses 2 or 3 models from the snow mod and the extended interiors mod, I asked for permission to use them, but got no reply. Anyway, the mod adds: Cemetery next to portland safehouse Semtechs interior Hotel Red Rocket next to safehouse Bowler s Fist interior Big Als Liquor interior Luigi s Sex Club 7 Interior Casting Sofa XXXMags interior Zaibatsu Pharmaceuticals interior Executive Relief Interior New b