Touhou IOSYS PV Wakasagihimes 100 Sushi Topping Game 東方 ( English Subs)
As requested. Title: わかさぎ姫の寿司ネタ100本勝負 Arrangement: 谷屋楽(へたのよこずき) Lyrics: 谷屋楽(へたのよこずき) Vocals: 彩(へたのよこずき) Original title: ミストレイク Source: 東方輝針城 Double Dealing Character Original title: Mermaid from the Uncharted Land (秘境のマーメイド) English Subtitle: Ryuuhou HardSub: reddevils500a (me) Source: NOTE: Added the annotation of the missing 80th99th sushi list. Zomzaark forgot to addin the remaining 20 when I hardsub encoding. 第7回東方ニコ童祭, 12