Seeing Sights In The Sierras (1932)
THIS DIGIBETA VERSION HAS BEEN MADE FROM THE PRINT VERSION ON TAPE PM0962 WILL PROBABLY BE BETTER QUALITY AS TAKEN FROM THE NEGATIVE. Excellent cheesecake item with girls in bathing suits parading around on mountainsides and in the oil fields. There s more than gold in the Sierras reads the introductory intertitle. Group of chorus girls holding hands climb a mountainside. They wear bathing suits and high heels. They gingerly walk along a rocky ledge then stop and do some high kicks You never can tell how altitude will affect amphibians The girls stick their legs out whilst holding on to the mountainside then wave them up and down. High angle shot of two girls dancing on the mountainside. Closer view of the girls. Girls climb up to a high spot holding hands: Ain t nature grand They stand on a high spot waving their arms in the air. The rising tide of bathing beauties has even engulfed the oil C, U of group of girls, two with their heads turned away from the camera, t