Barry Gibb In The Now with Barry Gibb
It was previously announced that Barry Gibb had signed with Columbia Records and would be releasing his first solo album since 1984 s Now Voyager. On Friday, word came that the new album, titled In the Now, will be released on October 7. Along with being his first solo album in 32 years, it is his very first to contain all original material. Produced by Gibb and John Merchant, the album contains twelve songs written by Barry and his sons Stephen and Ashley while a deluxe edition adds three more originals. . In The Now Grand Illusion Star Crossed Lovers Blowin A Fuse Home Truth Song Meaning Of The Word Cross To Bear Shadows Amy In Colour The Long Goodbye Diamonds End Of The Rainbow Grey Ghost (Deluxe edition only) Daddy s Little Girl (Deluxe edition only) Soldier s Son (Deluxe edition only) Gibb and his band will premier the album tomorrow (August 20) at the Hit Factory Criteria studio in Miami, along with playing some of his classic hits. The show will be streamed in 360 degrees through YouTube and will be