Royal Tour Of Whitehorse Yukon Canada (1959)
Unissued, unused material. Queen Elizabeth II and Duke of Edinburgh (Prince Philip) on Royal Tour of Canada. Various aerial shots of Whitehorse Yukon, showing snowcapped mountains. Two shots of Duke shaking hands with VIPs. LS banner: Whitehorse Welcomes You to the Yukon. Two shots of people walking in shopping centre of Whitehorse. CU sign in window, pan to another sign reading Yukon John Trading Post. CU sign: Jools Watchz. MS sign Whitehorse Star Publishers. CU sign Christ Church Cathedral The Old Log Church. LS small church. CU sign Sam McGee. LS four men standing outside cabin. Various shots wooden cabin under construction. MS group of children, train in background. CU sign on shack Yukon Historical Society, Macbridge Museum. Travelling shot passing road sign Alaska Whitehorse. MS man stroking nose of stuffed stag s head. MS CU scales w