1985 10 26 своими глазами ты впитываешь. with your eyes you suck in
the culture of Sahaja Yoga we have to have a full imbibement bubbling through our nerves, the sense of chastity. That is a must, whether you like it or not. There should be no bad intentions about any other person, of relationships which are not pure. Absolutely pure relationships, pure eyes without any adultery, adulteration I would call it. Clean eyes is the basic of Sahaja Yoga. Steadfast clean eyes, because your eyes are very powerful. You don t know how powerful they are. So to make it that way, to practice, move your attention inward and towards the Sahastrara. You can. With your eyes you suck in. Even by looking at Me with the shraddha, with the joy, you just suck it inside, My image. Put it on your Sahastrara, put it in your heart, you can do it. It s very joy giving. When you put it in the Sahastrara, then you get the knowledge. When you put it in your heart, you get the joy; and when you put it on your liver, then you get the power of action. From the photograph also you can do it, suc